Sunday, February 22, 2009


Mickey had just lost the award that would have ushered in the age of the Rourke. Mickey's publicist told him he was going to be America's new sweetheart. Instead, he was still America's underdog. Mickey decided it was time to get trashed. Tim and Mickey gathered their things and left for the Vanity Fair party. Marissa Tomei tagged behind, like she always does.

They walked out to the parking lot and spotted none other than Sean Penn talking to Kate Winslet. Rourke's inner wrestler came out. He shouted at Penn "I got thrown around in a movie that oddly parallels my life and get nothing but a Golden Globe. You make out with that stoner fag Franco and you get an Oscar?" Sean's life flashed before his eyes. It wasn't really his life, it was just the cut scenes from Mystic River. But it was almost like his life. Mickey threw Penn onto Anne Hathaway's Bentley. Tim shrieked "Mickey! Don't scuff your shoes they're from the Blue Fly Accessory Wall!" "I'm going to scuff his face with my shoe!" Mickey snapped.

Penn was terrified. He was more terrified than the time Madonna tried showing him the nude photos of herself from the 70's. Penn's brain switched from Spicoli to Harvey Milk. Mickey really deserved this statuette. Penn knew it, Andy Dick knew, apparently the Academy did not know it. Penn was about to do the most noble thing of his life.

"I want you to have it Mickey" Penn whispered. Mickey lifted Sean off the Bentley. Anne Hathaway was screaming in the background. She wasn't screaming about her car, but the fact that Hugh Jackman had leaked on her dress. Sean Penn extended his hand holding the Oscar to Rourke. Mickey held it like a baby. And shouted to the sky "This is for you my beloved Chihuahua" and he Oscar slapped Sean Penn in the face. "Now you're a broken down piece of meat" Rourke stated.

Rourke walked over to to Tim and Marissa. Tim was on the phone trying to explain to Heidi Klum what Wall-E was about. Needless to say, Tim could only talk to Heidi in designer talk. "Dior, Versace , Versace , Thakoon, Jay McCarrol, Hot Tranny Mess!, Get it?" Marissa Tomei was already topless and dancing around the the lamp post singing Jai Ho. "What a crazy world this is, but it's my world" Mickey thought to himself.

Mickey grabbed Tim by the tie and Tomei by the left breast and they all road off to the Vanity Fair party in Marissa's 1994 Ford Taurus, "You really made it work Mickey, you really made it work" Tim said and rested his head on Mickey's shoulder.